Website Visitor Identification and Notification for your Business

Marketers have used invasive fingerprinting scripts, analytics software, and cookies throughout the years to gather more information about website visitors.

Despite your best efforts, up to 98% of visitors can remain anonymous because they lack email addresses, telltale behaviors, and other identifiers. The amount of work required to identify just 2% of using above mentioned methods, is a lot of work that have low effect when you look at end results.

Luckily, there are tools available to every marketer today, that can provide you an effective technique of identifying all website visitors, regardless of where they originate from or what information they supply. But, before we go into listing all of them, let’s talk about what is website visitor identification.

What is Website Visitor Identification?

The options for lead generation on a website are typically restricted to call-to-action (CTA) buttons: It’s common to be able to sign up for a newsletter or material downloads when you visit a website; this is how businesses collect revealing contact information. However, you must proactively join up for something as a website visitor.

The method used by Visitor ID is different. Every website visitor, metaphorically speaking, leaves digital “fingerprints” that can be examined by specific identification and tracking technologies. These tools give the website owner useful information.

Website visitor identification is distinct from website visitor tracking. The latter determines “who” the visitor was, whereas the former gathers anonymous data about a visitor and his behavior on your website.

A number of insights about a website’s visitors are revealed by Google Analytics and other website analytic tools that work in conjunction with it, including:

  • Visitor Location (Country, Region)
  • Source
  • Time spent on a page or sequence of pages
  • Device they used
  • Browser they used
  • Other Demographics and Interests, etc.

Is It Ok To Use Data?

Each device connected to the Internet receives a special IP address. The numeric code acts as a delivery address to allow for the exchange of data. It makes it possible to recognize a visitor or subscription with ease. Every time a private Internet user connects to the Internet, their service provider typically assigns them a new IP address. Clear guidelines for the use of this data have been provided to website operators, most notably by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). However, this mostly pertains to individual website visitors or B2C businesses. With B2B, things are different because businesses are typically permitted to make contact using the B2B data they have collected.

Visitor Identification – How it works?

If you have a phone line, you may be familiar with the so-called reverse search, which lets you find out who owns a connection by using a phone number. The same fundamental idea underlies how a reverse DNS lookup functions. For a (static) IP address, a reverse DNS query can be used to find the network domain. This implies that you can tell exactly which business visited your website and left their IP address.

An IP Address is traced by website visitor identification to the business that viewed your website.

Website Visitor Identification

The Traditional Methods of Visitor Identification

Website Analytics

Website analytics, of which Google Analytics is the most well-known example, are the most fundamental tool for determining who your audience is on a macro level. With Google Analytics you can see all above mentioned information as well as few others, more detailed information, that require turning on a few advanced tracking features (They usually require disclosure on your website). Using Google Analytics is just a start of the journey and just a drop in the sea of Visitor ID possibilities.

Email Forms

Your website visitors should ideally be interested in purchasing (or at the very least trying) your goods or service and provide their contact information. Collecting emails is actually fairly difficult.

Because of this, businesses have used a variety of strategies over the years to entice visitors to divulge their information, including producing in-depth white papers, providing free trials, and holding giveaways.

Today, every SaaS firm has a blog or newsletter you can sign up for, and every e-commerce site welcomes you with an email popup that advertises a discount for first-time customers.

But with a form like this, the normal conversion rate ranges from 0.1% to 2.5%. That leaves a lot of potential guests unattended.

Data-Enrichment Tools

However, email forms are not the only method for gathering more data about your readers. Data-enrichment software has proliferated over the past ten years, allowing you to learn more about your visitors.

Data-enrichment technologies use information from numerous public and private sources to identify website visitors before comparing it to IP addresses, cookies, and any other trackers your visitors may be using. The newly discovered data is then combined in your CRM, enabling you to create genuinely customized marketing.

The issue with data enrichment is that, at its best, it can only de-anonymize 30% of your traffic, leaving a whopping 70% (and in some situations, up to 98%) in the dark.

Moreover, data-enrichment solutions mostly function in a passive manner, contributing data to your CRM rather than attempting to grab visitors’ attention while they are showing peak interest and are actively shopping on your website.

Finally, the majority of data-enrichment systems employ data from a second or third party to help you deanonymize visitors. The data may therefore be erroneous, out-of-date, or irrelevant. Additionally, it implies that the same information is probably available to your rivals.

Modern Method – AI Platforms

Data has been gathered, processed, and communicated with the use of conventional technological advances. Yet AI systems go beyond this; they fundamentally transform how people interact with data, addressing issues in real-time with little to no human involvement, producing results with repeatable precision, and adjusting to changing conditions. Traditional marketing intelligence relies on human assumptions about what makes a good lead, while AI recognizes the real patterns that lead to the desired result.

With the appropriate mix of proactive chat, sales people, and specialist sales chatbots, AI can detect every high-intent visitor who visits your site and engage with them via a messaging platform or chat tool, while also qualifying and nurturing the majority of lower buyer-intent visitors. AI widens the revenue aperture to all visitors, known or anonymous, with the capacity to see and engage every visitor with strong purchase intent, as opposed to merely engaging the two percent of visitors who disclose themselves by providing an email address or initiating contact. More so than any person ever could, it can also keep getting better and adjusting to changes like seasonal variances, competitive influence, pricing adjustments, and packaging modifications.

How Can Your Business Benefit From Using Visitor ID?

You can use the firm name that Website Visitor Identification gives you in your marketing and sales for lead creation and acquiring new customers when it has been enhanced with additional information.

How Can MBI Help You With Website Visitor ID?

Having an experienced team, that knows how to create an appealing website, track and analyze data, set proper CTAs, marketing strategies, and campaigns is the way to go.

Here at My Business Integrated, before placing a marketing strategy in place, we take time to learn about your business needs and products. After we gathered all available data from your end, we proceed with market research. Doing so, we get acquainted with possible customers, their needs and intents.
By implementing both traditional and modern methods, and after reviewing collected data, we start with creating a Marketing Strategy that focuses on lead generation with one goal in mind – revenue increase.

Let’s start the dance, and boost your business.

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